Traditional Chinese Medicine: Auricular Theory (Virtual)

  • Health
Jun 26 2025
TCM: Auricular Theory
  1. Thu6:00 - 8:00 pm


In Traditional Chinese Medicine the ear is considered the most external reflection of the central nervous system. Auriculotherapy refers to the treatment and assessment of pain, musculoskeletal disorders, stress and various medical conditions through the application of seeds, magnets and massage to specific points on the ear. Gain a practical understanding of how to treat the body via the ear, and specifically by using ear seeds based on Dr. Li-Chun Huang’s methods.

Martina Kostova's Bio

Traditions acupuncturist, Dr. Martina Kostova, just completed a rigorous program at Pacific College of Health & Science to earn her Doctorate in Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization. This clinical doctorate program is similar to the programs taken by M.D.s and Chiropractors, focusing on developing clinical skills applicable to practice. Dr. Kostova's focus was on how to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Western Medicine. Through extensive research, Dr. Kostova learned ways to connect and communicate TCM with Western medical perspectives. Her hope is that one day, she will be able to work in a hospital where TCM is incorporated with Western practices, along with integrative medicine practices such as massage, naturopathy, and meditation. 

With her diverse education and keen teaching skills, Dr. Kostova provides community education in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Class dates


Registration period

Registration starts on 11/05/2024 and ends on 06/26/2025.

Online location
