Herbs for Sexual Health (Virtual)

  • Health
Feb 07 2025
Free Classes
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri6:00 - 8:00 pm
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Join us for an enlightening discussion on Food and Herbs for Sexual Health, where we’ll delve into natural ways to support sexual wellness for both men and women. We’ll explore how specific herbs and herbal formulas can boost libido, improve sexual function, and promote overall vitality. In addition to covering the science behind these remedies, you'll also learn practical tips for incorporating them into your daily routine. Whether you’re looking to enhance intimacy or simply improve sexual health, this class offers a unique blend of knowledge and fun—perfect for a date night with a healthy twist!

Bob Linde's Bio

Bob Linde’s journey to becoming a Registered Herbalist and Acupuncture Physician has been anything but conventional. From starting self-study in herbalism at age 10 to exploring a variety of careers—including commercial diving, treasure hunting, military service, and activism with Greenpeace—Bob eventually found his calling in natural medicine. As the owner of Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies and co-founder of Traditions School of Herbal Studies in St. Petersburg, Florida, Bob has designed comprehensive training programs for both Chinese and Western clinical herbalists and oversees a student clinic. He also consults for herbal product companies, grows medicinal plants, and is a frequent speaker at national conferences. An avid traveler and educator, Bob has shared his expertise on TV shows like Animal Planet and INTI TV’s “Sanaciones con Bob Linde.” His school offers a wide array of herbalism classes and continues to expand, nurturing a community of future herbalists and acupuncturists.

Class dates


Registration period

Registration starts on 11/07/2024 and ends on 02/07/2025.

Online location


Registration closed.